Are you feeling stressed trying to find the right dog trainer?

Maybe you’re at the bottom of a very long waiting list and you’re desperately trying to find a quick fix for your dog or new puppy?

Perhaps you’re sick of scrolling through google looking for the right answer?

Or you’re tired of feeling even more confused after hours of searching only to find contradictory dog training advice?

If you’re nodding along to any of the above then don’t worry you’re not alone. In fact, you’re just like the members of my Spaniel Inner Circle before they joined.

They to were tired, disheartened and pulling their hair out trying to find simple, straightforward, cost-effective and immediate help with their dog training. 

I promise it’s not witchcraft, my online membership to train your dog really does work. It can save you money, time and tears when it comes to dog training, I’ll tell you how…

Why did I decide to create a membership for spaniel and spaniel cross-specific training?

Some people call me the ‘spaniel guru’ others have called me ‘the spaniel whisperer’ and it’s true, I am completely specialised in training spaniels and spaniel mix breeds.

A skill which started after becoming a spaniel mum to my boys, Bailey and Kobie, they both taught me so much about spaniels and it’s thanks to trying to get them to calm the hell down I embarked on a series of training courses to give me the understanding that I have today.

My diary is completely booked for one to one clients until the end of this year, which is why I have created the Spaniel Inner Circle because I want to help as many Spaniels in the UK and across the globe as possible.

The Spaniel Inner Circle is the only way to work with me and get to know my Spaniel secrets without being a client of mine.

Here’s what some members have said about the Spaniel Inner Circle:

“We no longer feel alone”

“I have already learnt so much”

“I’m excited and feel like this will really help!”

“I’m loving working with someone who understands the breed”

It’s the first of its kind Spaniel focused membership that gives you help and support in training your Spaniel.

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My boys Kobie and Bailey help me to demonstrate techniques in the Spaniel Inner Circle

How does an online membership work for training my dog?

My online membership for dog training gives you immediate access to my knowledge, wisdom and dog training tips.

It means that instead of sitting on a waiting list or guessing with google search you can work with a great trainer for a fraction of the price. 

For a lot of people finding the time to train their Spaniel can be really difficult, life is a juggling act of work, maybe caring for children, trying to exercise, and then training a dog on top of that… it’s a LOT!

This is exactly why the Spaniel Inner Circle fits in nicely to busy lifestyles, I offer two live sessions a month both of which are recorded so you can replay or watch whenever you like.

So if you work nightshifts, day shifts, or if your schedule is all over the place the sessions can fit perfectly into your week.

That goes for all you night owls or early morning risers, you don’t have to wait for a trainer to fit around your schedule because the Spaniel Inner Circle will slot perfectly into yours.

One of the monthly live sessions is with me and I cover a range of topics, so far we’ve had live sessions about: Loose lead walking, anxiety, puppy training, barking, separation anxiety and much more.

The other live session is with a special guest, and we’ve had so many exciting people! We’ve learnt about Spaniel first aid, scent work for Spaniels, freework and grooming, anxiety and confidence, understanding body language and so much more 

I also have a monthly drop-in Q and A so if your Spaniel is up to something particularly mischievous, or if you want to check in about your training you can come along and ask me anything personal to your dog – no question is a silly question. And trust me I’ve seen and heard it all!

There’s also a community section to meet and mingle with other spaniel / spaniel mix owners just like you.

Plus you basically have a spaniel specialist in your pocket because no matter what it is you can pop me a question on the community page and get a speedy reply.

All that for the cost of a coffee and a cake a week… not bad is it!

The good news is as soon as you join you can view them straight away and start to train your Spaniel there and then. It really is that simple. 

The bottom line is online memberships give you immediate, 24/7 access to the answers you’re looking for. You no longer have to suffer with a trainer who’s not right for you, being on long waiting lists or just hoping your dog will ‘grow out of it’, an online membership gives you relief as soon as you log in.

Checkout Ziggy one of the Spaniel Inner Cirlce members showing off what he’s learnt about self-control! His owner wants me to reassure you he got a big treat after for all of his hard work!

Why should I use an online dog training membership?

Many dog owners believe that their dog will just ‘grow out of it’ or they can wait for help, but the problem is many times with dog training issues can become far worse if you’re not getting the right help and advice.

Working with a trainer online through a membership means that you can really start to understand your dog’s breed and learn the techniques to prevent and overcome any issues you may be facing.

Training in this way means that you can avoid sleepless nights later down the line.

Blake from Switzerland

Trust me, time zones are not a barrier. I’ve even worked with dogs who live in Switzerland, like Blake from Switzerland who was obsessed with chasing birds, planes and anything that flies. I worked with Blake over zoom and he’s now a member of the Spaniel Inner Circle and has been since the beginning.

After working closely with his owner we got Blake to be the good boy she always knew he could be, in fact, her testimonial speaks for itself. 

Chantal said: “Before we started training with Hannah, Blake would be all over the place chasing or looking for birds, planes, paragliders (basically anything that flies).

“In Switzerland, Working Cockers are not known and no one was able to help me. Hannah really understands spaniels and knew just how to help Blake and me.

“Working over zoom and whatsapp with Hannah is great, no disadvantages at all. She also shows some exercises with her own dogs to make it all clear! Now we can enjoy our walks and his recall has improved a lot!”

Here’s another member showing off their pups with their Leave It Cue all from our session about self-control:

What are the benefits of using an online membership to train my dog?

My membership for dog training has been designed to create an effective learning process for owners to train their dogs whilst keeping costs low and giving immediate help.

When you join the Spaniel Inner Circle you get access to helpful content straight away. This means you can wave goodbye to the painful hours you’ve spent scrolling looking for an answer.

Since all of the sessions are recorded you can watch them as many times as you like, you can even watch them with a glass of wine or in your PJs. Hey, there’s no judgement here!

Not only is using an online training membership more cost-efficient, but it also gives you the same training advice it’s just presented to you differently than in a one-to-one.

The Spaniel Inner Circle means that you will get the same tools, breed-specific advice and actions so that you can go out into the big, wide world and practise the training techniques on your dog to get the results that you want.

The educational element of the membership means that you’re constantly learning about your dog’s breed so that you can really start to understand what makes it tick and how you can train them.

A huge benefit is that the learning can take part in your own time at whatever pace you like. Perfectly slotting into your lifestyle and working hours. You can pop your trainer in your pocket and go to the park, watching replays as you train to make sure you’re getting the techniques right. 

In the Spaniel Inner Circle, we have people from all over the world who have joined because they know the value of working with a breed-specific trainer, and the membership gives them the opportunity to work together no matter what time zone they are in! 

“As I was unable to watch the live session “Hey spaniel leave those birds alone” so I caught up from the recording. This was so informative, thank you Hannah! The Spaniel Inner Circle concept is amazing. To have all this help and information at my fingertips is great. So even if I miss a session it means I never miss a thing.”

Elaine, owner of Cavapoo Poppy and member of the Inner Circle
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The lovely Poppy

What should I look for in an online dog training membership?

As with all dog training, it’s really important that you pick a trainer who understands your dog breed, different dog breeds need different types of training and only an expert in your breed will be able to show you how to help.

“The Inner Circle … absolute number 1 place to be as a Spaniel… or to be honest any other breed owner. The actual technical advice From Hannah and guest speakers is the best I have ever known from many many platforms. As a naughty but nice (excuse the reference but it’s very apt) owner…. Professional dog Walker (and trainer in the making) I can honestly say I have been lucky enough to be part of this so I can keep my non-aversive methods fresh, Newly learned and renewed to give my clients the best I can. Thank you Hannah … it’s irreplaceable.”

Vicki Peach, member of the Spaniel Inner Circle

Where can I find out more about the Spaniel Inner Circle?

The Spaniel Inner Circle isn’t just cheaper than in-person dog training, it’s flexible so no matter where you are in the world, even if you’re across the other side of the world, it will work for you and your time zone.

Whether you work late nights or rise early in the morning, you can log on at any time and get immediate access to tons of specialist spaniel dog training advice.

It’s easier for your Spaniel, they get to spend time bonding with you learning new things whilst you get to understand them better and teach them how to behave in a way that’s enjoyable for you both.

There’s no limits on users – so your whole household can logon and watch the training so that everyone’s on the same page, even if you can’t sit down together at the same time. Meaning you all get to enjoy the results.

It’s also completely personal to you, yes it’s a membership but that doesn’t mean I don’t give you specific advice for your dog, the drop in sessions and community page is there for you to ask me whatever you like, whenever you want to.

Here’s a sneak preview of the separation success and how to leave your puppy home alone:

To learn how to get the spaniel of your dreams click here.